I'm delighted because of your positive remark about our class. We've been studying together since 2021, and you've improved greatly. Your ability to articulate your ideas in sentences has greatly improved. Keep up the excellent work, Lynn. You are an inspiration to a teacher like myself. I am also looking forward to further years of having classes with you. Way to go!
Skybel.Y on
안녕하세요? 소중한 수강 후기 감사합니다!저희 스카이벨영어를 통하여 회화 실력이 많이 향상하셨다니 관리팀도 매우 기쁜 마음입니다. :)
Lynne 강사님은 친절하고 섬세하신 스타일로 모든 레벨의 수강생분들께 인기가 많으신 강사님이시지요.
오랫동안 저희 스카이벨영어와 Lynne 강사님과 함께해 주셔서 감사드리며,
앞으로도 회원님의 영어 공부를 위하여 항상 최선을 다하는 스카이벨영어가 되겠습니다!
Lynne on
Hello, Lynn!I'm delighted because of your positive remark about our class. We've been studying together since 2021, and you've improved greatly. Your ability to articulate your ideas in sentences has greatly improved. Keep up the excellent work, Lynn. You are an inspiration to a teacher like myself. I am also looking forward to further years of having classes with you. Way to go!
Teacher Lynne